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Food security in Southern Africa / Scott DRIMIE
Food security in Southern Africa : Causes and responses from the region [texte imprimé] / Scott DRIMIE, Auteur ; Michel LAFON, Auteur . - [S.l.] : Institut Français d'Afrique du Sud (IFAS) : [S.l.] : Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 2003 . - 120 p. : ill., cartes ; 21 cm. - (Les cahiers de l'IFAS, ISSN 1608-7194; n°3) . Being the partial proceedings of a conference co-oganized by the Southern-African Regional Poverty Network, care international and Ifas. Held at Human Sciences Research Concil (Pretoria), on the 18 March 2003 Langues : Anglais
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